Health Benefits Of Gardening

Gardening Strengthens the Immune System

Gardening may not sound enticing when you find out about the germs and bacteria that live in the soil. Well, the good news is that exposure to these microorganisms may help people, especially young children, build immunity against many types of diseases. According to a report from the National Wildlife Federation, it’s important for parents to encourage their kids to take part in outdoor activities. Children who spend more time outdoors will feel less stressed, sleep better, and experience less ADHD symptoms.

Gardening Provides Stress Relief

Gardening may have a calming effect by reducing the amount of stress hormones (cortisol) in the body. You may be surprised by how relaxed you feel after you spend some time among the plants.

Gardening Offers a Workout

Certain types of gardening may offer a pretty good workout. For example, one study found that three hours of gardening is similar to an hour spent in the gym (in terms of calories burnt). All the activities (e.g. pruning, digging) will add up and give you a good workout.

Gardening Elevates Happiness

Dirt contains a natural antidepressant called Mycobacterium vaccae. This particular antidepressant causes cytokine levels to increase, which in turn boosts the production of serotonin.

Gardening Stimulates the Brain

Gardening has a positive influence on mental health due to its brain-stimulating properties. For example, regular gardening may help reduce the risks of dementia by 36%. Gardening isn’t just a physical activity. It’s also a hobby that can offer plenty of social interactions and cognitive learning.

Gardening Encourages a Healthier Diet

There’s a good chance of people maintaining a healthier diet if they start to grow their own fruits and vegetables. Gardening can make us more conscious over what we eat. It encourages us to question the source of what we eat, and whether there is a healthier alternative for it.